Monstera acacoyaguensis: Care and Growth Requirements + Top FAQs

Monstera acacoyaguensis vines climbing on a tree

Monstera acacoyaguensis, also known as the Swiss Cheese plant, is a tropical houseplant with large attractive leaves that'll add interest to any indoor garden. This Monstera acacoyaguensis care guide will help ensure your plant gets the care it needs for long, happy life.

The Monstera acacoyaguensis is prized for its attractive foliage, making this stunning houseplant a must-have for any indoor garden. While Monstera acacoyaguensis is an uncommon houseplant, it isn't the rarest of the Monstera. That title goes to Monstera obliqua.

It does, however, require bright indirect light, moist soil, moderate temperatures, and high humidity levels. While these requirements make it seem like the Monstera acacoyaguensis is a hard-to-care-for plant, nothing could be further from the truth.

If you have experience with tropical houseplants, then growing Monstera acacoyaguensis will be a breeze. For those who are not as familiar with these types of tropical plants, follow the Monstera acacoyaguensis care guide to ensure your plant thrives.

Identification: Appearance and Description

Monstera acacoyaguensis plant outdoors

Native Habitat

The Monstera acacoyaguensis is native to Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize. 


Monstera acacoyaguensis plant beside the window

When grown indoors, it typically reaches about 4 to 6 feet tall. However, in its natural habitat, this plant can grow up to 20 feet tall.


Monstera acacoyaguensis oval-shaped green leaf

The Monstera acacoyaguensis has oval-shaped glossy green leaves that have a leathery appearance. As the plant matures, the leaves become larger and perforated with an entire margin.


Vine-like Monstera acacoyaguensis green stems

Their stems are green and are more vine-like instead of traditional plant stems.


Flowers are small with a yellow inflorescent color on a spadix. It is surrounded by leathery spathe with a yellowish-green appearance.


This plant is toxic to humans and pets, so take care to keep the Monstera out of reach of children and pets. 



Where to grow Monstera acacoyaguensis

Monstera acacoyaguensis plant beside a coconut tree

Monstera acacoyaguensis is native to Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize, but this tropical plant can grow outdoors in USDA Hardiness Zones 11b to 12. If, however, you don't live in those hotter temperatures, you can still grow this plant indoors. They can be potted in any pot with drainage holes. Since they are a viney plant, they can also be grown in hanging baskets for a whimsical appearance. When growing indoors, they will need indirect light, moist and well-drained potting mix, and a temperature range of between no less than 65 degrees and no higher than 80 degrees.

Monstera acacoyaguensis care and growth requirements

Monstera isn't a difficult plant to grow, although it does have specific growing requirements. Overlooking these requirements can result in poor growth and even a dead plant. That is why it is important to try to mimic the plant's natural environment. 

Light Requirements

Monstera green leaves getting some sunlight

This Monstera doesn't require direct sunlight and instead needs indirect light. Select a west-facing or east-facing window for the best results and place the plant nearby. The natural light coming from the window will provide the plant with the needed sunlight. Keep in mind that too much light can burn their leaves, while too little light can result in stunted growth and yellow leaves. A good general rule of thumb is 14 hours of light for juvenile plants and 10 hours of light every day for mature plants.




White circular temperature monitoring device

This South and Central America-native plant is used to warm temperatures. Because of this, it will need to be kept in an area with temperatures between 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. These plants are not frost-hardy and cold weather can quickly kill them.


Blue and white ceramic humidifier on brown wooden table

The Monstera acacoyaguensis has a high humidity requirement of 50% to 80%. You can achieve these levels with the help of a humidifier or by placing the plant's pot on top of a pebble tray. Pebble trays are merely shallow trays filled with pebbles and water. The plant is placed on top of the tray, and as the water evaporates naturally, it introduces humidity into the air.

How Often to Water Monstera acacoyaguensis

Woman spraying water to the monstera plant

The Swiss Cheese plant needs regular watering since it prefers moist, but not soggy, soil. On average, it will typically need to be watered once a week. But watering too much can lead to root rot and various other diseases and problems that can kill the plant. The good news is that you can easily test to see if it needs watering by inserting your finger into the top inch of soil. The Monstera doesn't need to be watered if the soil is damp; however, if it is dry, water the houseplant deeply until water runs out the bottom of the pot's drainage holes.

Potting Soil for Monstera acacoyaguensis

Person putting soil on black pot using a shovel

Well-drained soil that is rich in nutrients is ideal for this tropical houseplant. You can create your soil mixture by combining equal parts perlite, peat moss, and sand. The soil's pH level should be neutral at a level of about 6.5, and you should only use pots or planters that have drainage holes on the bottom to help prevent root rot. This allows excess water to drain out of the soil and helps reduce the chance of the roots becoming soggy and rot setting in.

If you decide to use traditional potting soil, or only peat moss, to plant the Monstera, consider improving its nutrient content by using compost you created with a composter. If you don't have a compost pile or have no room for one in your yard, consider purchasing Lomi, which is a kitchen composter that conveniently sits on your kitchen countertop. This nifty appliance lets you reuse and recycle your food waste, reducing your overall carbon footprint and benefiting your plants both inside and out.


Lomi by Pela



Lomi allows you to turn food waste into plant-ready nutrients in under 24 hours. Boost your plants while reducing your waste.



Two hands holding a handful of soil

The Swiss Cheese plant only requires fertilizer once a month during the spring and summer seasons. This is the plant's active growing season, and fertilization is vital during this time. Water-soluble fertilizer designed for houseplants is a good choice. You can also use a kitchen counter composter such as Lomi to help naturally provide nutrients. Compost helps to turn the potting mix into organic-rich soil. Avoid fertilizing the Monstera acacoyaguensis during the fall and winter season, as doing so can cause the plant to "overdose" on too many nutrients.


Red shovel and black pruning shears hanging on rack beside plant

The Monstera acacoyaguensis doesn't require pruning, but you can trim it up a bit if you are so inclined to. Pruning should only occur in the spring and summer months. This will help promote blooms and new growth while increasing air circulation. Try to avoid over-pruning the plant and always leave some of the stems on the Monstera plant. Another thing to remember is that when pruning any houseplant, make sure to use sharp, clean pruning shears and sterilize them after every use. This helps to reduce the chance of transmitting diseases and fungi from one plant to another.



How to Propagate Monstera Acacoyaguensis

Monstera plants propagated on a clear jar of water

Monstera plants are easy plants to propagate by cutting. In fact, it is done in the same manner as you would sphagnum propagation. While it can be done at any time of the year, the ideal time to propagate Monstera acacoyaguensis is late summer or early fall. Keep in mind that when you propagate the plant, you should only take new growth and cut at the leaf node. Furthermore, select only a healthy stem cutting for propagating purposes.

Tools Needed:

  • Clean pruning shears

  • Clear jars

  • Distilled water

  • Plastic bag

  • Pots with drainage holes

  • Well-drained potting soil


  1. Using the pruning shears, carefully cut new growth off the plant, making sure to cut at the leaf node.

  2. Remove all leaves from the cutting, except for two leaves at the bottom.

  3. Place the cutting-side down into the glass jar filled with distilled water.

  4. Set the jars in indirect bright light, ensuring that the temperature around the cuttings stays between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

  5. Cover the cuttings and their jars with a plastic bag to help keep the humidity level around the young plants.

  6. Change the water in the jars at least every other day and replace it with clean distilled water. Make sure to cover the jars and cut them with the plastic bag after replacing the water. Continue in this manner until the cuttings root.

  7. Plant the cuttings in a pot filled with well-drained soil once their roots reach a few inches long.

  8. Care for the baby plants in the same manner as you would care for the mature plant.

How to Repot or Transplant Monstera Acacoyaguensis

Clay pots and white flower-printed gloves

Monstera acacoyaguensis isn't a slow grower, but it isn't a fast grower either. This plant falls in between the two. Because of this, it typically needs to be repotted once every two or three years. When repotting the plant, it is important to use a little bigger pot than the last one and try to refrain from repotting until spring. This helps promote healthy growth throughout the year while also increasing the chance of the plant blooming.

Tools Needed:

  • Pruning shears

  • A pot that is 2 to 3 inches larger than the current pot

  • Potting soil, well-drained

  • Distilled water


  1. Before repotting, remove any dead or dying leaves from the plant with a pair of clean pruning shears. 

  2. Fill the bottom few inches of the new pot with well-drained soil. Place the new pot to the side. 

  3. Carefully remove the Monstera from its pot. Avoid grabbing the plant and jerking out of the pot, and instead, use your fingers to loosen the soil from the old pot gently. Tip the pot to the side and let the Monstera slide out.

  4. Set Monstera root side down into the new pot. Add more potting soil around the Monstera until the pot is filled. 

  5. Water the repotted Monstera deeply until water runs out of the drainage holes. Care for the plant as you normally would.  

Does the Monstera Acacoyaguensis Climb?

Monstera acacoyaguensis are climbers and have a vine-like appearance. Because of this, they would do well with a pole or some support to help them cling on too. In their native habitat, they become even more viney, which helps them get more direct sunlight. It is not uncommon to see the Monstera acacoyaguensis growing up trees when in the wild.

Related Questions

Below are some commonly asked questions about Monstera acacoyaguensis. As with any houseplant, the Monstera may experience issues that can leave you wondering what happened and how to fix it. The following questions and answers will dive into common problems with this tropical plant that you may face. 

1. Why are the leaves of Monstera acacoyaguensis turning yellow?

Yellow monstera leaf on a dark background

A Monstera plant with leaves that turn yellow typically means the plant was exposed to too much direct sunlight. Too much light causes the chlorophyll in the plant to start to break down. As the yellowing progresses, the leaves will experience leaf drop. If the issue isn't corrected, the plant will eventually die. Another cause of yellowing leaves is not getting enough nutrients.

The good news is that both of these issues can be corrected. If the yellowing leaves are caused by too much light, simply move the plant to an area where it won't get as much light. The best location is one where it can receive bright indirect light. If too few nutrients cause the issue, fertilize the plant with a water-soluble fertilizer.

2. Why is Monstera acacoyaguensis leaves turning brown?

Faded monstera leaf with brown edges

If the Swiss Cheese plant begins to develop brown leaves, it gets too much heat. This could be caused by the plant sitting too close to an object that produces too much heat, such as a television or heating vent. Or it could be a result of too much watering. Remove the plant from any area where excessive heat could occur to fix these problems. The Monstera needs a temperature of no more than 80-degrees. If, however, the browning leaves are caused by too much water, reduce the amount of watering you provide. A good general rule of thumb is to only water the plant when the first inch of its soil feels dry. Another thing to remember is that the Monstera plant needs well-drained loamy soil. Compacted soil that drains poorly will increase the chance of pests, such as spider mites and fungal problems.

3. Why is my Monstera acacoyaguensis wilting?

A wilting Monstera acacoyaguensis with drooping leaves is caused by either too much water or soil that is compacted or too heavy. Overwatering a plant is one of the fastest ways to reduce its overall health and increase the chance of the plant dying. That is why it is extremely important not to overwater the plant. Every other day, check the moisture of the soil by inserting your finger about an inch into the soil. Only water if the soil feels dry. However, if the soil is too compacted or dry, you will need to repot the plant in light, airy potting soil.

4. How to prevent root rot in Monstera acacoyaguensis?

Closeup photo of monstera roots

Ensuring the plant is growing in light and well-drained soil is one of the best ways to keep root rot at bay. Furthermore, make sure also to avoid overwatering the Monstera. Rot sets in when the plant's roots are kept soggy. This is caused by poorly drained soil and too much water. The best defense against root rot is using pots with drainage holes filled with well-drained soil while only watering when the soil starts to dry.


Even though it seems like the Monstera acacoyaguensis is a high maintenance plant, it typically requires the same growing requirements as most indoor tropical plants. By creating the tropical climate that it would receive in its native habitat, you will give this plant the best chance to survive and thrive in your home. You can also increase its overall health and well-being by ensuring it receives eventful nutrients from its soil. One of the most effective ways to do this is by using a kitchen composer such as Lomi to ensure the plant has a steady supply of nutrient-rich soil amendments. If this article has helped you learn more about Monstera acacoyaguensis and how to care for them properly, please feel free to share with others.